Performance Testing Introduction


Nowadays users are very Smart, demanding and want everything quick. That’s why users don’t give too much attention for those websites or applications which are delays in response. That’s main reason why performance testing has become so important.

Therefore, most of the companies are doing performance testing on web site before launching them or after all major release.

What is Performance Testing:-

Performance testing is a non-functional type of testing in which the performance of an application is evaluated under expected and higher than expected workload.

Type of Performance Testing:-

Load Testing: This is a non-functional type of testing in which we test the behavior of the application under specific expected load. In load test we estimate the different performance parameters like-response time, throughput.

Stress Testing: This is a non-functional type of testing in which we measure the breakpoint of the application under the load much higher than the expected. We find out crash point at which the application does not response correctly.

Things you might monitor in a stress test:

  • Bandwidth
  • CPU Usage
  • Free Memory
  • Disk IO
  • Database reads and writes
  • Open database connections

Endurance Testing: This is a type of non-functional testing type of testing and also known as Soak testing. Application under test in Endurance testing subjected to continues load for period of time, to find out how the system behaves under continuous use. For example, a system may perform exactly as expected when tested for 1 hour but when the same system is tested for 3 hours the system to fail.

• It is basically used to check the memory leaks.

Spike Testing: This is a non-functional type testing in which application is tested with excessive increment and decrement in the load. Spike Testing is used to find out the weakness of an application. Spike Testing is used to find out the time in which application is recover after a spike of user load.

Tools used for Performance Testing:-

There are several performance testing tools available such as:

  • Apache JMeter
  • LoadRunner
  • WebLOAD
  • LoadUI
  • LoadView
  • NeoLoad


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