How to Choose the Best SEO Company for Your Next Project

SEO Company

It’s always a tough and tricky decision to hire an SEO agency. Every agency you meet claims its supremacy in the domain by putting forward different stats and client recommendations. SEO Agencies make every effort possible to prove their might in the industry and ink the deal.

So, how you can establish if an agency you’re negotiating with the right one? Here are a few questions you should ask before hiring an SEO Company in India:

Experience is the first question to ask. Before hiring the agency, find out their experience in serving clients in similar domain. For instance, if you’re looking for an agency to optimize your travel portal, ensure if they have good experience in handling travel website and hospitality portals.

Check with their clients the quality and consistency of their service. Their loyal customers would certainly give you an honest feedback you can rely on.

Most agencies work on both outsourcing and in-house business model. It’s quite a practice among them. Therefore, inquire with them the percentage of project they retain and the percentage of the SEO work they outsource. Do note, more work they outsource, less control they have on the results.

A good agency assigns a dedicated account manager who conveys the project progress in a timely manner. Regular communication is important for a smooth and streamlined project execution. Timely communication from the agency helps you to be in sync with what’s happening with the project.

Before signing the contract, make sure you have conveyed your business goals and expectations from the agency. Whether it’s ranking in search engines, traffic from social networks or leads, you need to tell your agency what exactly you would like to have in return of your investment. While conveying, ensure that your expectations should be realistic and achievable.

Don’t blindly trust agency’s claim. SEO is an industry where you will find people who claim guaranteed top rankings and traffic from search engines. Do note, no agency can guarantee rankings within a stipulating time period since these results are entirely dependent on Google algorithms. Relying on such promises can hit your online business badly. For quick gains, agencies go through shortcuts and indulge in black hat SEO methods that not only invite penalties but lead to severe drop in ranking and traffic. It’s always good to take time to formulate a comprehensive strategy rather following shortcuts.

Overpricing or underpricing should always be flagged. A lower price quote might be a stark indication that you are most likely buying a substandard or low quality service. In the same manner, high priced quote doesn’t necessarily symbolize that the services of the agency are up to the mark.

However, most of the time big brands or brands with reputed and huge clientele quote high prices. If your budget allows, you can assign your SEO task to any such reputed SEO Services company in India. They are value for money.
I hope this article will help you out in having a better understanding about the SEO agency you are going to hire.

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